Overall Action Plan Progress


Represents a total of in progress and completed action items

All In Allegheny Action Plan

The All in Allegheny Action Plan is the culmination of the largest, most diverse, and inclusive community engagement process in Allegheny County history. The plan incorporates community priorities into actionable county government policies and initiatives and will continue to guide the Innamorato Administration with 91 solidified action items.

In the first two months of Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato’s administration, nearly 19,000 residents from every corner of the county engaged with the All In Allegheny Community Survey. Over 650 residents joined County Conversations, small-group discussions between county employees and residents about community priorities. During the third month of the Innamorato Administration, county and community leaders worked together to analyze data on community priorities and identify the focus areas and related action items included in this plan.

Biannual progress updates will be provided to reflect key milestones and accomplishments, and serve as a resource to learn more about each action item and resources available. Under the direction of County Executive Sara Innamorato, Allegheny County is committed to transparency in operations and taking dedicated steps to help and support the county’s most vulnerable populations in the areas they need it most.

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Focus Areas

“Community members and county government alike have worked to create actionable initiatives in nine critical policy areas. Through All In Allegheny, community members have spoken loudly and clearly about their priorities within each of these areas. Residents are experts in how to strengthen and improve county services because they know what it feels like to live in Allegheny County, working, caring for children and family members, and commuting here. Across race and ethnicity, age, income level, and from homeowners to people currently experiencing homelessness, community members agreed on steps they would like to see county government take to make all our lives better, our neighborhoods more connected, and our region stronger.”

– Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato

Focus Areas


Action Items

Healthy Families and

High-Quality Human


Improving health outcomes and life expectancy while decreasing social and racial inequities in healthcare and housing, increasing access to community-based health clinics, advancing equity in health and human services, and expanding the programs that address health’s social determinants.




Helping people stay in safe and affordable housing, expanding home repairs for low-income homeowners, prioritizing protections and assistance for people facing eviction and foreclosure, and addressing the needs of people experiencing homelessness or housing displacement.

Open and



Building on the diverse and inclusive community engagement foundation laid by All in Allegheny, making it easier to access, explore, and understand information about local government and access help when you need it.

Reliable, Modern

Transportation and


Increasing reliable, affordable public transportation options, replacing lead pipes throughout Allegheny County, and making trails, bikeways, and sidewalks safer and more connected than ever.

Robust Education,

Workforce Development,

and Youth Investments

Providing Allegheny County children with the strongest start in life, expanding access to affordable childcare, identifying additional federal, state, private, philanthropic, and local funding to address the urgent need for childcare, and increasing access to good-paying jobs.

Safe Communities

and Justice

for All

Promoting neighborhood safety, expanding safe, supportive, equitable, and high-quality programs for youth, expanding housing, health, and employment support for people leaving the jail, and expanding diversion programs that offer treatment alternatives within the community.

Strong and Equitable

Economic and Community


Creating a more vibrant and inviting downtown and neighborhood corridors that feel safe, welcoming, and interesting, helping local entrepreneurs start and grow small businesses, and addressing the needs of workers.


Environmental Justice,

and a Green Economy

Addressing the needs of communities most impacted by pollution, supporting workers in accessing jobs that make our air, energy, and water cleaner, and attracting new businesses to Allegheny County that will create jobs that employ our residents.




Providing additional locations to return mail-in and absentee ballots, increasing participation in local elections and the democratic process, and recruiting more poll workers for Election Day.