Open and Accessible Government

The county will continue delivering on its commitment to providing services and information that are accessible to everyone who lives here, and providing every opportunity to give people a voice in what they want to see from local government. Building on the diverse and inclusive community engagement established through the foundation of the All in Allegheny Action Plan, the Allegheny County government is dedicated to making it easier to access, explore, and understand Allegheny County.


  • Not Started Yet 11% 11%
  • In Progress 78% 78%
  • Completed 11% 11%
Community Priorities

Members of the Allegheny County community value:

    • Making it easier for residents from every corner of Allegheny County to stay involved with local government
    • Providing easier access to help, support, and county services and programs

See the 9 initiatives Increasing Open and Accessible Government

6 Month Action Items

1 year action items

3 Year Action Items

Easy-to-Find County Info and Services
IT Steering Committee
Make it Easier for Residents to Find Information About Services Provided by the County

Continuing to make materials and information on the county’s website available in major languages and improving the search engine optimization of content on the website, meaning that important information will appear high on the list of results returned by a search engine such as Google.

In Progress

As a part of a continuous effort to better communicate and provide ease of access to county information, the county has updated more than 2,100 pages of the Allegheny County website. The county’s website offers a modern, mobile-friendly design and a robust search function resulting in easier navigation to direct users to the most relevant information. The Allegheny County website also includes an integrated translation tool through Google languages that provides full-site translation for more than 85 languages. Additional improvements include the “How Do I” service-finder tool on the homepage, calendar of upcoming events and activities, focus on ADA accessibility, and automated press releases.

Create an Information Technology (IT) Steering Committee

Regularly convened by the County Executive’s Office, which includes the leadership of county departments and the IT and data teams, this steering committee will support a streamlined and consistent approach to making online information and data open and accessible to the public.

In Progress

The Department of Information Technology (DIT) has completed a preliminary charter for the committee and prepared a list of initial participants, including the engagement of committee members and key Allegheny County stakeholders.

Resident involvement with long term planning
Info Hub
Alerts and Text Messaging
Budgeting Program
Access to Digital Services
211 Hotline Improvements
Launch several strategic planning efforts that will invite residents to help shape the County’s long-term plans

The county will launch its first ever Climate Action Plan and its first comprehensive planning process in over a decade. In partnership with residents, these planning processes will help the county align resources and operations behind priorities and create opportunities to reshape and deepen its approach to mobility, justice, and housing.

 In Progress 

The initial phase of the creation of the county’s Climate Action Plan is expected to launch by the end of 2024. Additionally, preliminary work on the update to Allegheny Places, the county’s comprehensive plan, has begun. Both plans will include community engagement phases.

Create a new information hub on the County’s website to provide clear, accessible information about:
    • Services the county provides, with information about how to access each service, delivering on the top-ranked community priority of “creating a simple website that makes it easy to figure services out and contact someone to help access the service”
    • Powers of county government, including a new interactive tool on the county’s budget that will make it easy to ask questions about how resources are allocated, delivering on the community priority of “providing easy-to-understand information about the budget and decisions”
    • Information about the powers of municipal governments, including how to contact local representatives for help navigating service processes
    • A new tool that will help residents understand their county taxes and the tax credits and abatements for which they qualify

 Not Started

Update coming soon.

Create an option to enroll in a text program within the information hub

Residents will have the opportunity to enroll in text messages for information and updates about getting involved in shaping county policies and priorities. The messaging platform will support ongoing engagement with residents and share opportunities to get involved, such as through invitations to community meetings, short surveys, or notifications about upcoming public budget hearings.

 In Progress 

Allegheny County is exploring ways to re-vamp its current texting program, to make it more user-friendly and accessible to residents.

Launch a participatory budgeting program with young residents, in partnership with the County’s Learn and Earn program

The County Executive will invite a cohort of young people to set forth proposals and ideas about how $50,000.00 will be spent in the next county budget.


Allegheny County’s first youth congress convened as a participatory budgeting pilot program, in partnership with Partner4Work and the Learn and Earn program, in June 2024. Participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget. It gives people real power over real money, thus deepening democracy, building stronger communities, and creating a more equitable distribution of public resources. This cohort of youth congress participants was given decision-making power over $50,000.00 for a project of their choice.

Reduce barriers to and improve efficiency of accessing digital services across County departments

Currently, visitors to the county website often need to create multiple accounts and enter the same information multiple times to access different services offered by different departments. To make it easier and faster for residents to access what they need, the county will work toward a universal digital account system – so residents can create one account and enter information just once and unlock access to all digital services across departments.

 In Progress 

DIT has begun a portfolio analysis of external-facing applications to determine ADA compliance and support for multiple languages.

Invite the 10 counties in Southwest Pennsylvania and United Way, the organization that operates the 211 hotline, to work together to strengthen and streamline the 211 hotline user experience.

The 211 hotline provides a vast range of helpful information to residents, including help connecting to social and housing services. The county will invite its 211 implementation
partners to work together to:

    • Encourage residents to text 211, the quickest way to get answers and help
    • Explore adding new features such as an option to receive a call back instead of waiting
    • Explore creating searchable case numbers so residents can follow up on and track their

 In Progress 

The Department of Human Services (DHS) is partnering with United Way’s PA 211 Southwest to serve as the front door to human services in Allegheny County. DHS has invested in additional staffing to lower call wait times, maintain the 211 resource database, and improve 211 staff training on Allegheny County resources. Through the partnership, 211 has strengthened its resource directory, expanded staff training on key Allegheny County resources, and set up closed-loop referral processes to get 211 callers more quickly to the help they need.

Interactive Dashboards
Create new interactive data dashboards that make it easy for residents to explore information about high-priority topics

The county will identify priority topics using data from website analytics and data from the Allegheny County Support Center. The county will begin by creating interactive dashboards about:

    • Community priorities, including all the data gathered through the All In Allegheny community survey
    • Roads and bridges, including easy-to-understand information about whether a specific road or bridge is maintained by the county or a municipal government, expanding the existing “Who Owns My Infrastructure?” tool
    • Data on air quality and the county’s efforts to improve air quality
    • Property ownership and tax information
    • Information on the impact of the opioid crisis and data on the county’s resources and service delivery to address this crisis

 In Progress 

Available dashboards to date:

  1. All in Allegheny community survey data center
  2. All In dashboards
  3. Budget dashboard
  4. Air Quality dashboards